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PBS Hawai'i Presents
Dear Thalia
PBS HAWAIÊ»I PRESENTS “Dear Thalia,” a film that provides a rare, close-up view of one homeless family’s story. Filmed over a four-month period, it follows Tracy and Tabatha Martin and their three-year old daughter, Thalia as they live in a homeless encampment in the KakaÊ»ako neighborhood in Honolulu. This documentary is available for a limited time only.

Four Fantastic Filmmakers to Watch
Bernard Badion: Director of “I Won’t Miss You”
Milton Liu: Writer, director and producer of “I Hate Big Phony”
Rex Moribe: Director and producer of “Dear Thalia”
Asiroh Cham: Writer and director of “My Name Is Asiroh”

‘Dear Thalia’: Update on a film and a homeless family
Frolic Hawaii
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